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Santuario SS. Crocifisso English > Home

Grotteria Sanctuary


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SS. Crocifisso 2015
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Presepe Vivente 2016

Presepe Vivente 2016

sua Eccellenza il Vescovo

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Jubilee Pilgrimage

to the Diocesan Sanctuary of the SS. Crucifix of Grotteria Saturday ...

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Feast SS. Crucifix 2015

4 to 13 september 2015

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Feast of Madonna di Pompei 2015

Feast of the Madonna of Pompeii 18/19 July 2015

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Feast of SS. Crucifix 2014

Feast of SS. Crucifix 2014

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Celebrations SS. Crucifix November 2013: Miracle

Celebrations in honor of SS. Crucifix Patron of the City of Grotteria 13-16 November 2013

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Celebrations SS. Crocifisso

Religious Program of the Celebrations of SS. Crucifix

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Homepage section News


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Canto on Stations of the Cross - Teco I wish God

Canto on Stations of the Cross - Teco I wish God

This is a well-known canticle that sings also in Grotteria for Stations of the Cross even if only the first verse.

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Programma Settimana Santa 2017

Programma Settimana Santa 2017

Grotteria: Programma Settimana Santa 2017

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2017 Lenten Program

2017 Lenten Program

2017 Lenten Program - I Vennari i Marzu

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Photo Living Nativity 2016

and the participation of His Excellency Bishop Francesco Oliva

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Foto Feste SS Crocifisso 2016

disponibili le foto di settembre, novembre e del restauro...

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Photos & Video Feast of Our Lady of Pompeii 2016

Photos &Video Feast of Our Lady of Pompeii 2016

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Holy week

Programme Holy Week 2016

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Video and Photos of the Pilgrimage

guided by His Ecc. Bishop. Mgr. Francesco Oliva.

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Homepage section Restorations


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Raising funds for the restoration of the Church of SS. Crucifix at 12-31-2020

Raising funds for the restoration of the Church of SS. Crucifix at 12-31-2020

Here is the document .pdf (829 KB) of the fundraising for the restoration of the Church of SS. Crucifix at 12-31-2020

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Raising funds for the restoration of the Church of SS. Crucifix at 12-31-2019

Here is the document .pdf (2.352 KB) of the fundraising for the restoration of the Church of SS. Crucifix at 12-31-2019

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Raising funds for the restoration of the Church of SS. Crucifix at 12-31-2018

Here is the document .pdf (531KB) of the fundraising for the restoration of the Church of SS. Crucifix at 12-31-2018

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Raising funds for the restoration of the Church of SS. Crucifix at 30-11-2017

Raising funds for the restoration of the Church of SS. Crucifix at 30-11-2017

Here is the document .pdf (531KB) of the fundraising for the restoration of the Church of SS. Crucifix at 30-11-2017

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Historical Relationship Church of the SS. Crucified

Historical Relationship Church of the SS. Crucified

Historical Relationship Church of the SS. Crucified of Grotteria (R.C.)

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Raising funds for the restoration of the Church of SS. Crucifix at 12-31-2016

Raising funds for the restoration of the Church of SS. Crucifix at 12-31-2016

Here is the document of the fundraising for the restoration of the Church of SS. Crucifix at 12-31-2016.

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Raising funds for the restoration of the Church of SS. Crucifix at 11-31-2015

Raising funds for the restoration of the Church of SS. Crucifix at 11-31-2015

Here is the document .pdf (531KB) of the fundraising for the restoration of the Church of SS. Crucifix at 11-31-2015.

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Beloved, Peter Albanese and collaborators all...

on my own behalf and of the entire community of Grotteria I am writing to thank you for the contribution...

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DVD festa SS. Crocifisso settembre 2014

DVD festa SS. Crocifisso settembre 2014 personalizzato

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Documentation restoration Risen Christ

The following documents of the restoration are available: project; technical report and the photographic documentation.

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Homepage section Prayers, Saids, Jaculatory

Prayers, Saids, Jaculatory

Detti:Quandu u diavulu t'accarizza voli l'anima (A colui che vengono fatte gentilezze e moine gli si cercerą qualcosa in cambio).Altro (F5)

Homepage section Services pages

Services pages

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Legal Notes - Privacy

The content of this web site... To the senses of the art. 10 of the law...

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of the SS. Crucifix

Prayers, Said...

Detti:Agustu e rigustu č principiu d'imbernu.Altro (F5)


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  • Good job go ahead

    by Joseph, 30 January 2013 in Web Site