Photos: - Sepolcri - Via Matris
Easter Week Program
Photo-movies Festa Holy Crucifix in November 2014
Available photos of the Festa of SS. Crucifix 2014
Streaming Feast SS. Crucifix 2014
Grotteria: Religious Program of the Feast of SS. Crucifix 2014
Here is the document .pdf (79KB) of the fundraising for the restoration of the Church of SS. Crucifix at 12-31-2014.
DVD festa SS. Crocifisso settembre 2014 personalizzato
Here is the document .pdf (79KB) of the fundraising for the restoration of the Church of SS. Crucifix at 08-31-2014.
Summary years: 2011-2012-2013
The following documents of the restoration are available: project; technical report and the photographic documentation.
Surveying and Current state - Project - Details
Fundraising for the restoration of the Church of SS. Crucifix up to 25/09/2013 ...
In august 24th of 2013 there was
Fundraising, underwriting months of April, May, June and July 2013
Fundraising in San Giovanni di Gerace...
Detti:Cu ti voli bene cchjiu i mammata o ti tradi o ti inganna.Altro (F5)
Empty section
Good job go ahead
by Joseph, 30 January 2013 in Web Site