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Santuario SS. Crocifisso English > Articles > Restorations > DVD festa SS. Crocifisso settembre 2014

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DVD festa SS. Crocifisso settembre 2014


DVD festa SS. Crocifisso settembre 2014 personalizzato

Added the 04 October 2014 in Restorations

There is a DVD of the Feast of SS. Crucifix in September 2014.

custom DVD video contains  processions of Saturday night, Sunday morning, Sunday evening and Cavajiucciu in 720x408 format (Or HD, 1920x1080, but of different cost) 16: 9 last about 1 hour.

Each DVD is serially numbered and the numbering is
recorded on the whole movie.

All proceeds of the sale (the publication of what will happen on this page) will be donated at restoration of the Shrine of SS. Crucified.

The cost is 30.00 + eventual shipment expenses, for HD is € 50.00 + eventual shipping.

The timing of completion and shipment will be communicated from time to time according to the request and sale.

Information: or


List of contributions

List of contributions HD

N° 1  Michele L.; N° 1 
N° 2 N° 2





of the SS. Crucifix

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Detti:L'acqua gughji e u porcu esti a muntagna (In procinto di fare qualcosa manca l'essenziale).Altro (F5)



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  • Good job go ahead

    by Joseph, 30 January 2013 in Web Site